

We post pictures and videos of our adventureously expectant life! Full of parties ideas, events and everything in my boy mom world.

Kiddo Parties | Marshall Firefighters

The holiday season always gets a little busy for families. We were having a hard time finding a date to have my middle son’s December birthday party. We decided it would be better to just celebrate at school so all his friends would be able to make it.

Luke wanted a Paw Patrol Marshall Firefighter party. I had our favorite sitter Hannah with Hanny Bakes Cakes make a fire cake and then I just added my graphic design on top.

For take home gifts I made personalized fire man hats and vests for all the kids in the class. I just bought the vests on amazon with iron on reflective tape and added their last names. I just love having take home gifts that are something the kids may use later for dress up or play.

Here are some pictures from the event:

Easter Decor | For the Kids & Adults

Birthday Party | Husband's 40th